How it all started

With scissors and paper! The idea of Luudoo was born when one of its founders, a self-confessed gaming geek, found himself once more using scissors, paper, glue and lots of love and effort into building a custom game for one of his fellow geek friends. In 2012 another one of those friends was won over for the idea, and Ludufactur GmbH was founded.

The journey

... was a rocky one. After making many mistakes, nearly shutting down the business when family obligations asked for a less risky endeavour and fighting battles with some of the biggest games publishers on the planet we at some point had learned a few lessons and started growing. Then our entire production broke down during Covid-19 and had to be rebuilt, putting as back a few squares, but also giving as a chance to re-evaluate and modernise.

Where we are now

Still travelling on. We are growing again but remain a small business. Only one of the original founders is still actively involved, but we have built a small fan base and a strong network of production partners and developers, graphic designers, a tax advisors, and many others in a little network of experts that stretches across Europe. But that's also an advantage, as we are independent and small, allowing us to quickly change and adjust to what our customers need and want, and to stay true to our roots and values.